Jack In The Box Debuts New Jack’s Fan Favs Box


Jack in the Box Puts Together Jack's Fan Favs Box

Jack In The Box has just announced they are debuting the new Jack’s Fan Favs Box for a limited time only.

The new box is set to cost around $10, and is a great way to save on items from the menu. After all, many of the items in the box if you were to get it separate or A La Carte, it will cost way more. So according to Jack In The Box, this is a great way for fans to save on money and enjoy all their popular favorites in one sitting.

Here is a list of items that the new Fan Favs Box contains:

  • Medium Curly Fry
  • Stuffed Jalepenos
  • Tiny Tacos
  • Mini Churros
  • Creamy Avocado Lime Dip Cup x1
  • Buttermilk Ranch Dip Cups x2

Fans of Jack In The Box can find the new Fan Favs Box at all participating Jack In The Box locations nationwide for a limited time only.

Image via Jack In The Box